Author Archive for David Corne


Opening a cmd window in the current working directory from cygwin

With the newer version of cygwin I am running, there are a few flaws. These mainly have to do with how it interacts with printing and user input from windows executables.


  • The windows python prompt doesn’t display. See here for more details.
  • Using mercurial, it can’t prompt me for a password. It comes up as abort: http authorization required

There are a few little niggly things like this which makes it handy to have the windows console available at your fingertips. You can launch cmd.exe from within cygwin, but that doesn’t solve the problem as you are still using the same input/output from the terminal. So I wrote a very simple script which will launch cmd in the current working directory.

Here it is:

# Written by: DGC

usage() {
  cat <<EOF
Usage: $(basename $0) <options>;

Opens a windows command window in the current working directory.

-h                 Display this message.

# Main
while getopts ":h?" option
  case $option in
      echo -e "Invalid option: -$OPTARG \n"

cygstart 'C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe'

This is slightly overkill for essentially just cygstart 'C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe', but I like to include a help with all my scripts.

It was helpful to me, so I thought I’d share it.


Interactive menus for UnitC++

UnitC++ has gone to version 1.1.0. The new feature is the addition of an interactive menu system. You run your tests declared using the TEST macro with the following code.

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  return UnitCpp::TestRegister::test_register().run_tests_interactive(

This will produce a menu which looks something like this;

0) All tests.

1) Maths
  2) "Maths:sqrt_results"
  3) "Maths:is_square"
  4) "Maths:sqrt_precondition"

5) MyString
  6) "MyString:length_test"
  7) "MyString:validity_test"

The numbers which you run the tests with can be input on the command line also, so utest.exe 0 will always run all of the tests.

See more at my sourceforge page


UnitC++ on SourceForge

My latest project, UnitC++ , is now live on SourceForge. Check it out here


Humour in the C++ standard

It’s nice to see that the C++ standard, while mostly dry, has a little humour in it. There is a limerick in section 14.7.3, 7. It goes like this;

When writing a specialization,
be careful about its location;
or to make it compile will be such a trial
as to kindle its self-immolation.

And according to Mostly Buggy in version C++0x FCD there was an amusing footnote in Section 29 Atomic operations library

29.1 General [atomics.general]
1 This Clause describes components for fine-grained atomic access. This access is provided via operations on atomic objects.341
341) Atomic objects are neither active nor radioactive.

But sadly in my copy (ISO IEC 14882) this was not included. It must have been taken out before the official standard was released.

There are according to Michael Wong two limericks in the standard, but I couldn’t find the second one (in the document, or on the internet).



This post is an introduction to a library I have written, UnitC++.

UnitC++ is a modern, light weight, header-only c++ library for making unit testing easy. The intention of this library is to make it really easy to test c++ code in a portable way.


Continue reading ‘UnitC++’


Functional Data Structures in C++: Lists

Great article by Bartosz Milewski. I’m always interested in applying different paradigms to C++. Here is my attempt at this.

  Bartosz Milewski's Programming Cafe

“Data structures in functional languages are immutable.”

What?! How can you write programs if you can’t mutate data? To an imperative programmer this sounds like anathema. “Are you telling me that I can’t change a value stored in a vector, delete a node in a tree, or push an element on a stack?” Well, yes and no. It’s all a matter of interpretation. When you give me a list and I give you back the same list with one more element, have I modified it or have I constructed a brand new list with the same elements plus one more?

Why would you care? Actually, you might care if you are still holding on to your original list. Has that list changed? In a functional language, the original data structure will remain unmodified! The version from before the modification persists — hence such data structures are called persistent (it has…

View original post 4,199 more words


Using ediff with Version Control

This is just a quick note about a nice emacs feature.

If you develop with emacs, you may have heard of/used ediff. This is a very handy diff program which runs inside emacs. We use this with a custom hook at work to work with our version control system. I found out that it works nicely with more standard version control systems as well.

The main way to use ediff is the command


This lets you choose two buffers to diff. To do this for different revisions of a file you can use the command


This will ask for which file you want to view revisions of (default, the current buffer), and the two revisions to compare (default latest revision and the current state). The you will have the file you asked for loaded in the two revisions you asked for.

Using mercurial personally I find this more informative than the output from hg diff in complicated cases. I believe this works for any version control system recognised by emacs, e.g. mercurial git and subversion.


C++ Digraphs

This is not as you might think, an article about implementing directed graphs in C++. The digraphs I am writing about are sequences of characters which act as a stand in for other characters. Digraphs and trigraphs exist in many languages, but I will be focusing on C++. The difference between digraphs and trigraphs is simple the number of characters, a digraph is 2 characters and a trigraph is 3 characters.

Digraphs are part of the language because in the past special characters were hard to input. This was generally because they were not on the keyboard, but in a few cases, they were not even in the code page!

So what use is this now, when modern keyboards have all the symbols we could want and we can use different encodings in source files?

Here is a screenshot of the C++ standard where it defines the allowed digraphs.

Digraphs in C++ Standard

C++ standard digraphs

The first column are backwards compatible digraphs for C. The next two columns are rather interesting.

For example. If you write the word or in a C++ source file, the compiler will replace that with ||. This means that the following code compiles and works.

int main() {
  bool a = false;
  bool b = true;
  std::cout << "a or b == " << (a or b) << std::endl;
  return 0;

Not only will this work for built in types, this works for user defined operators too. This is because the compiler simply substitutes the symbols.

Here is an example class and calling code which uses all the C++ digraphs.


This is just a stub class which defines a lot of operators which do nothing.

class Example {

  // logic operators
  bool operator&&(const Example& t) {
    return true;
  bool operator||(const Example& t) {
    return true;
  bool operator!() {
    return true;
  // bitwise operators
  bool operator&(const Example& t) {
    return true;
  bool operator|(const Example& t) {
    return true;
  bool operator^(const Example& t) {
    return true;
  bool operator~() {
    return true;
  // logic equals operators
  Example operator&=(const Example& t) {
    return t;
  Example operator|=(const Example& t) {
    return t;
  Example operator^=(const Example& t) {
    return t;
  Example operator!=(const Example& t) {
    return t;

Calling Code

int main() {
  bool a = true;
  bool b = true;
  if (a and b) {
    cout << "\"and\" is an operator." << endl;
  if (false or b) {
    cout << "\"or\" is also an operator." << endl;
  if (not false) {
    cout << "\"not\" is also an operator." << endl;

  Example t_1, t_2;
  if (t_1 and t_2) {
    cout << "\"and\" even works for classes" << endl;
  if (t_1 or t_2) {
    cout << "\"or\" even works for classes" << endl;
  if (not t_1) {
    cout << "\"and\" even works for classes" << endl;
  if (t_1 bitand t_2) {
    cout << "\"bitand\" also works for classes" << endl;
  if (t_1 bitor t_2) {
    cout << "\"bitor\" even works for classes" << endl;
  if (compl t_1) {
    cout << "\"compl\" even works for classes" << endl;
  if (t_1 xor t_2) {
    cout << "\"xor\" even works for classes" << endl;
  t_1 and_eq t_2;
  cout << "\"and_eq\" even works for classes" << endl;
  t_1 or_eq t_2;
  cout << "\"or_eq\" even works for classes" << endl;
  t_1 xor_eq t_2;
  cout << "\"xor_eq\" even works for classes" << endl;

  return 0;

This gives the output;

"and" is an operator.
"or" is also an operator.
"not" is also an operator.
"and" even works for classes
"or" even works for classes
"and" even works for classes
"bitand" also works for classes
"bitor" even works for classes
"compl" even works for classes
"xor" even works for classes
"and_eq" even works for classes
"or_eq" even works for classes
"xor_eq" even works for classes

This file can be found here.

This is an interesting feature, but is it useful?

I think it is, I think that the code;

if (not fail and ok) {
  // ...

Is more readable than;

if (!fail && ok) {
  // ...

However just because these are defined in the standard does not mean they can be used. These are largely considered a legacy part of the standard and there is limited support for it.

In particular Microsoft’s C++ compiler will not compile it. Both clang and g++ will compile it however, so if you are compiling using either of these you can use this nice feature.

Thanks for reading.


Keeping History Using the cd Command

If you use shell scripting a lot from the command line, this will probably improve your experience of it. This is for users of linux/mac command line or of cygwin on windows. Anywhere you can use the bash cd command.

Firstly (if you didn’t know) cd remembers the last directory you went to. To access this use;

cd -

This will change to the previous directory you were in. If you want to supercharge this you can add the following to your .bashrc/.profile/… customization file.

# petar marinov, http:/, this is public domain
cd_func ()
  local x2 the_new_dir adir index
  local -i cnt

  if [[ $1 ==  "--" ]]; then
    dirs -v
    return 0

  [[ -z $1 ]] && the_new_dir=$HOME

  if [[ ${the_new_dir:0:1} == '-' ]]; then
    # Extract dir N from dirs
    [[ -z $index ]] && index=1
    adir=$(dirs +$index)
    [[ -z $adir ]] && return 1

  # '~' has to be substituted by ${HOME}
  [[ ${the_new_dir:0:1} == '~' ]] && the_new_dir="${HOME}${the_new_dir:1}"

  # Now change to the new dir and add to the top of the stack
  pushd "${the_new_dir}" > /dev/null
  [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && return 1

  # Trim down everything beyond 11th entry
  popd -n +11 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null

  # Remove any other occurence of this dir, skipping the top of the stack
  for ((cnt=1; cnt <= 10; cnt++)); do
    x2=$(dirs +${cnt} 2>/dev/null)
    [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && return 0
    [[ ${x2:0:1} == '~' ]] && x2="${HOME}${x2:1}"
    if [[ "${x2}" == "${the_new_dir}" ]]; then
      popd -n +$cnt 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null

  return 0

alias cd=cd_func

This means that you can keep a history of the past 10 directories which you have visited and change between them.

To access this list type

cd --

Which will print a list like.

0  /e/projects/dgc/or14126h_3
1  /e/projects/dgc/or14126h_3/
2  /c/Users/dgc/Dropbox/Coding
3  /e/projects/dgc
4  /e/projects/dgc/or14126h_2
5  /e/devdisk/dcm/configs
6  /e/devdisk/dcm
7  /e/devdisk
8  /e

And then

cd -5

will take you to entry 5 in the list.

To be clear I did not write this, I found it in the default cygwin .bashrc. The author of this was Petar Marinov.

I have found this very helpful, particularly when using a new python module. This is the process;

  • I would be in my working area
  • download it from pypi
  • cd to my download area
  • untar it
  • cd into it
  • run python install
  • then want to go back but cd – would get me to my download area.

This function removes that minor inconvenience and I have found it very useful.

Thanks for reading.


Unusual C++ use of #include

Muhamad Hesham's T-Blog


The usual use is to write it at the very top of your .h/.cpp files to include other header files like (Windows.h, iostream, cstdio, etc..) to use the what is defined inside in your .h/.cpp file.

The unusual use is to use it to initialize a data-structure like arrays by including a text file that contains the array initialization data between the array initializer list parentheses – e.g XX XXX[] = { <HERE> }. This is is illustrated in the sample program below. The same concept can be used to initialize an array of any dimension.

// main.cpp
#include <cstdio>
#include <Windows.h>

struct Person
    char        *pName;
    unsigned    Age;
    unsigned    Height;
    char        Gender;

// Declare and initialize a 1D array of Persons structs using PersonTableData text file
// #include "PersonsTableData" will be expanded at COMPILE TIME to the content of PersonsTableData file
Person PersonsTable[] = {
    #include "PersonsTableData"

View original post 73 more words

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© 2013 by David Corne.

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